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LAPD cadet scandal: Joyrides in cruisers went on for weeks before anyone caught on -- If the group of young Los Angeles police cadets accused of stealing department vehicles had any fear of getting caught, they certainly didn’t show it. James Queally and Kate Mather in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

'Nothing is permanent': One year after the Ghost Ship fire, a survivor struggles to find housing in Oakland -- Carmen Brito wonders whether there's room for her in the Bay Area. Liam Dillon in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

Abcarian: The verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial was shocking but fair. Jurors put facts over politics -- The family of Kate Steinle chose not to be in court on the day jurors rendered their verdict in the case of the undocumented Mexican immigrant who was accused in her death. It was probably for the best. In a decision many found shocking, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was acquitted of all but the least serious charge he faced. Robin Abcarian in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

Taylor: Surviving Ghost Ship: Man learns to stand, walk and talk again -- Sam Maxwell’s hands shake as he raises a cup of water to his mouth. Water trickles from the corner of his lips, and he coughs as he swallows. Ernest Mena, his caretaker, gently pats Sam’s back as he leans forward in his wheelchair. Otis R. Taylor Jr. in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Biggest Changes in Decades, Some Made at the Last Minute -- The new Republican tax plan affects families, small business owners and multinational corporations, with the biggest benefits flowing to the highest-earning Americans. Jim Tankersley, Thomas Kaplan and Alan Rappeport in the New York Times$ -- 12/2/17


California Policy & Politics This Morning  

Two California Republican members join GOP push for DACA fix this year -- California Reps. David Valadao and Jeff Denham are joining House Republican colleagues in pushing Speaker Paul D. Ryan to find a legislative fix before the end of the year for the legal status of people brought to the country illegally as children. Sarah D. Wire in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

San Francisco defends the verdict. Elsewhere, #BoycottSanFrancisco goes viral -- The latest proof that San Francisco exists in a Left Coast bubble was evident in the contrasting opinions over the not-guilty verdicts in the Kate Steinle murder trial. Kevin Fagan, Jenna Lyons and Steve Rubenstein in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Kate Steinle murder trial: How the prosecution’s case fell apart -- And though prosecutors believed Garcia Zarate brought the semiautomatic pistol to the waterfront on July 1, 2015, they had little evidence to counter the defense assertion that he found the gun in a T-shirt or cloth and picked it up, causing it to fire accidentally. The gun had been stolen four days earlier from the nearby parked car of a federal ranger, but the burglary remains unsolved. Vivian Ho in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Man acquitted in San Francisco shooting got lucky on lawyer -- Jose Inez Garcia Zarate grinned broadly and hugged his public defender tightly immediately after a jury acquitted him of killing a young woman on a San Francisco pier. Getting Matt Gonzalez to represent him was unquestionably a stroke of good luck for the five-times-deported Mexican national in the case that caused a national political firestorm on immigration that reached all the way to the White House. Paul Elias Associated Press -- 12/2/17

All of California’s House members team up to ask for fire relief funds -- Every member of California’s House delegation — all 53 Republicans and Democrats — signed a letter asking the leaders of the House Appropriations Committee to include the state’s request for $4.4 billion in wildfire relief funds in emergency disaster legislation. Joe Garofoli in the San Francisco Chronicle$ Emily Cadei in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 12/2/17

Elon Musk releases plans for tunnel transportation system: Long Beach to Valley at 125 mph -- Detailed engineering plans were released Friday that inject a dose of reality into Elon Musk’s futuristic, but heretofore vague vision of a new “express” high-speed underground public-transportation system that could rival LA Metro’s light rails. Sandy Mazza in the Los Angeles Daily News$ -- 12/2/17

San Francisco city agency halts use of drones amid concerns over China -- The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has temporarily halted its use of drones while it reviews a federal government agency’s concern that the flying devices made by a Chinese company could transmit sensitive U.S. infrastructure information to that country, a spokesman said Friday. Benny Evangelista in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Bill Clinton in San Francisco for World AIDS Day: ‘The fight began here’ -- In a sweeping speech marking World AIDS Day in Golden Gate Park, former President Bill Clinton on Friday told members of an attentive audience that in these turbulent political times they should remember that ordinary people have long spurred change and bent the will of humanity, as they did in the worst years of the AIDS epidemic. Erin Allday in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

In LA County, you can now text 911 in an emergency -- Officials launched the Text-to-911 program as a way to help Angelenos who might be situation where it is too dangerous to speak on the phone, such as domestic violence case or active shooter emergency. The text messaging service will also give hearing and speech-impaired residents the ability to report emergencies more easily. Robert Garrova KPCC -- 12/2/17

Economy, Employers, Jobs, Unions, Pensions  

City officials say Oakland workers to strike Tuesday -- Two labor unions — Service Employees International Union Local 1021 and International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers Local 21 — informed the city Friday of their plans to strike next week. Erin Allday in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Airlines move to restrict 'smart bags' that use lithium batteries -- So-called smart luggage that includes tracking technology and remote locks won’t be allowed in the cargo holds of American Airlines or Delta Air Lines planes unless the lithium batteries used to power the devices are removed, the airlines said in statements Friday. Hugo Martin in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

San Francisco ponies up money for Chinatown merchants suffering from subway build -- San Francisco will give thousands of dollars to Chinatown merchants whose businesses have withered during the construction of the Central Subway — a move that provoked anxiety among city department heads who feared it would open the door to more public handouts. Rachel Swan in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Credit rating agency issues warning on climate change to cities -- One of the largest credit rating agencies in the country is warning U.S. cities and states to prepare for the effects of climate change or risk being downgraded. Nathan Rott NPR


Homeless could join crews that help clean up San Fernando Valley streets -- Organizers of a Northridge-based program that recruits homeless people to help beautify and clean up local streets in exchange for a meal and supermarket gift cards is planning to expand into other parts of the San Fernando Valley. Elizabeth Chou in the Los Angeles Daily News$ -- 12/2/17

Tented shelter for homeless people returns to (San Diego) downtown -- “I never planned on being homeless, but I’m grateful to have a roof over my head,” said Sher Sandvik before entering the large tent the Alpha Project was opening that day on the corner of 16th Street and Newton Avenue near Petco Park. Gary Warth in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ Matt Hoffman KPBS -- 12/2/17


Seasonal chill cools rents in hot Bay Area apartment market -- Apartment prices in the Bay Area dipped last month, but renters, don’t breathe a sigh of relief — analysts expect prices to continue to climb in 2018. Louis Hansen in the San Jose Mercury$ -- 12/2/17


Wildfire suits belong in Santa Rosa, lawyers say -- Legal papers filed Friday oppose moving PG&E suits to San Francisco. Paul Payne in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat -- 12/2/17


Stanford’s elite business school caught cheating — by one of its own MBA students -- Half the students at Stanford University’s elite, $70,000-per-year business school receive fellowship grants. For years, the school has made it clear that the money goes to those who might otherwise be unable to attend, or who might be forced — against school recommendations — to work part-time during the Master of Business Administration program. Ethan Baron in the San Jose Mercury$ -- 12/2/17

Stanford University alerts employees to data breach of confidential records -- Stanford University mailed alerts Friday to nearly 10,000 employees and former employees whose Social Security numbers, birth dates and salaries were visible on campus servers for six months. The incident, pertaining to employee information from 2008, was the third data breach acknowledged by the campus in the last two weeks. Nanette Asimov in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17


Santa Ana Will Allow Up to 30 Recreational Marijuana Shops -- Santa Ana is the only known jurisdiction, out of Orange County’s 34 cities, to authorize the sale of recreational marijuana when that option opens up to California communities starting January 1. Nick Gerda VoiceofOC.org -- 12/2/17

California’s cannabis festivals face uncertain future under new state rules -- Some 25,000 people are expected to head to San Bernardino this weekend to watch hip-hop shows, sample marijuana products and celebrate cannabis culture during Tommy Chong’s Blazers Cup. Brooke Edwards Staggs in the Orange County Register -- 12/2/17

Immigration / Border 

Judge overturns delay on International Entrepreneur Rule -- A federal judge ruled in favor of a group of venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and companies that sued the federal government in September on the grounds that the Trump administration unlawfully delayed a rule meant to permit startup founders to stay in the country and build companies. Trisha Thadani in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17


Absent fed action, San Francisco, other locals target menthol smokes -- Anti-smoking groups, frustrated by federal inaction on restricting menthol cigarettes, are taking matters into their own hands. Paul Feldman Capitol Weekly -- 12/2/17

Stem cell agency: $16 million-plus in grants -- The California stem cell agency today handed out $16.4 million in research grants seeking therapies for afflictions ranging from gum disease and cancer to vision loss and Parkinson’s Disease. David Jensen Capitol Weekly -- 12/2/17


Southern California oil refineries ordered to monitor, publicize neighborhood air quality -- The measures approved Friday by the South Coast Air Quality Management District board will provide the public with real-time information on refinery emissions, but do not include requirements that facilities reduce pollution when high levels are found. Tony Barboza in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

Wildlife experts hope plan to relocate Oakland herons will fly -- The more than 250 herons that flock to Oakland every year to breed are in store for a feather-ruffling surprise when they return to their favorite downtown nesting spot in February. Sarah Ravani in the San Francisco Chronicle$ -- 12/2/17

Also . . . 

Former official accused of stealing $800,000 from nonprofit San Diego County clinic -- Hector Ramos, 55, of Murrieta, was charged with 49 counts related to the loss of the money, which authorities say happened over the course of eight months in 2015. Teri Figueroa in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/2/17

Sacramento Police Department promotes first black woman to sergeant rank -- Eighteen years ago, a patrol officer in the Sacramento Police Department gave Sabrina Briggs a front-row seat to the life of a cop. The two rode through the Natomas neighborhood during the ride-along, putting Briggs face-to-face with the different issues and types of calls an officer faces every day. Nashelly Chavez in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 12/2/17

After two years, San Bernardino County selects consultant for memorial to honor victims of terrorist attack -- A special committee headed by county Supervisor Josie Gonzales has already established that the memorial will be located somewhere on the grounds of the San Bernardino County Government Center, in downtown San Bernardino. But that is all that has been determined in the two years since the deadly attack at the IRC that killed 14 people, of which 13 were employees of the county’s Environmental Health Services Division. Joe Nelson in the San Bernardino Sun$ -- 12/2/17

POTUS 45  

Mueller’s swift moves signal mounting legal peril for the White House -- It appears to have swiftly expanded beyond Russia’s interference in the campaign to encompass a range of activities, including contacts with Russian officials during the transition and alleged money laundering that took place long before Trump ran for office. And Flynn’s agreement to fully cooperate with investigators suggests that Mueller is not done yet. Rosalind S. Helderman, Tom Hamburger and Karen DeYoung in the Washington Post$ -- 12/2/17

Flynn’s Cooperation Casts a Pall Over White House -- The investigation hardly seems close to ending, and news that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors sent shivers through Mr. Trump’s team. While the legal danger remains uncertain, the investigation, at the very least, has wrought grievous political damage to his presidency. Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman in the New York Times -- 12/2/17


How McConnell got a win on taxes -- On a recent phone call to discuss the GOP’s tax push, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested President Donald Trump focus his personal lobbying efforts on one senator in particular: Ron Johnson. Seung Min Kim Politico -- 12/2/17

How an unequal tax cut grew more unequal -- As Republicans moved closer to a final vote on the bill Friday night, they made several tweaks to the tax legislation. They announced more benefits for business owners, particularly wealthy ones, but they voted down a proposal by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) to give low-income families a bigger tax break. Heather Long in the Washington Post$ -- 12/2/17


-- Friday Updates 

Former Trump adviser Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI -- Former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to making false statements to the FBI, the first Trump White House official to make a guilty plea so far in a wide-ranging investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller. Eric Tucker and Chad Day Associated Press Carol D. Leonnig, Josh Dawsey, Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky in the Washington Post$ Eileen Sullivan, Adam Goldman and Michael D. Shear in the New York Times$ -- 12/1/17

Michael Flynn grew up breaking the rules. It caught up to him as Trump's national security advisor -- In his 2016 book on terrorism, “The Field of Fight,” retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn described growing up “hell-bent on breaking rules for the adrenaline rush and hardwired just enough to not care about the consequences.” On Friday, it became clear that Flynn broke one rule too many. Chris Megerian in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/1/17

‘Everybody had a job, and then they didn’t’: Hollywood sex scandals’ other casualties -- When art director Francis Giglio signed on to work on the TBS animated series “The Cops” last summer, he believed he had a full-time job through next May. The project starring the comic dream team of Louis C.K. and Albert Brooks meant steady income for the 36-year-old Newhall resident, who is supporting a wife and a young daughter. Stephen Battaglio in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/1/17

Santa Rosa revamping housing plans in wake of fires -- Santa Rosa was already facing an acute housing shortage when the Tubbs fire incinerated 5 percent of its housing stock. Kevin McCallum in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat -- 12/1/17

Homeless street services stall as encampments continue to grow -- Advocates say hygiene, storage and other services help homeless people get back into the mainstream. But no navigation centers have opened, storage facilities are available only on skid row and, to a limited extent, in Venice, and one small city-funded parking program opened in South Los Angeles in June. Gale Holland in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/1/17

Fox: An Oddity in the PPIC Poll: Republicans for De León -- The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) released its latest poll on California political races and ballot issues with few surprises—with one exception. Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León leads U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein among Republican voters who have made up their mind. Joel Fox Fox & Hounds -- 12/1/17

LA Weekly discloses its mysterious owners after weeks of secrecy -- Calle said the publication, which fired all but one of its writers Wednesday, wasn't bought for nefarious reasons. Instead, he said the alternative weekly was in the hands of people who wanted to make the property "the cultural center of the city." David Pierson in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 12/1/17